Friday, December 17, 2010
NWPIJF Info Session
Wednesday, January 19th at noon in C6.
Symetra Info Session
Thursday, January 27th at noon, C5.
Getty Images is Hiring a Law Student
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Upcoming 1L Diversity Events
If you plan to apply to a summer diversity program, be sure to mark your calendar for these upcoming events:
* Diversity 1L Student Reception at K&L Gates on Thursday, January 6.
* The Annual Diversity Fellowship Meet & Greet with individual firms will be on Tuesday, January 11 from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. in the Second Floor Gallery. The event format will feature "table talk" and an opportunity to mingle with attorneys and recruiting representatives from firms hosting a 1L summer diversity fellowship. Dress is business professional.
* Program representatives from the Puget Sound Area Minority Clerkship Program will be on campus at 5:30 on January 10 in the Second Floor Gallery to talk about the program and answer questions about the application process. Dress is business casual.
* CPD will be hosting an informal information session featuring last year's student participants in the Puget Sound Area Minority Clerkship Program on Thursday, January 13 at noon in the Courtroom. Come learn about the experience you can get in the program and the application process from people who have lived it!
For event details and application deadlines, be sure to check out our Diversity Page.
Northwest Public Interest Job Fair
If you are interested in government or public interest, you should plan to attend the 2011 Northwest Public Service Career Fair. CPD, along with ten other law school career services, will be hosting the Career Fairs in Seattle on Friday, February 4, 2011 and in Portland on Saturday, February 5, 2011.
Complete details about the Career Fairs and the employers that are participating are available on-line. You may view the list of employers on the website prior to paying your registration fee. Please note that employers are added on a rolling basis, so it is critical to check the employer list frequently for additions.
Student registration is now open. Registration fees are $15 for one location, or $25 for both locations. Registration will remain open up to the Career Fair - however, remember if you are submitting application materials for an employer, you must be registered and have paid your registration fee prior to the deadline date, which is Monday, January 17, 2011.
Many of the participating employers are recruiting for law clerks and/or attorneys and will be conducting interviews either at the Career Fair, or will schedule interviews for a later date at their office. To be considered for an interview, you must register for the Career Fair, as well as submit a cover letter and resume (for each employer you wish to apply to) by 11:59 pm January 17th. If you choose to participate only in Table Talk, you may register up until the Career Fair. Complete details about the application process is available on the website.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Job Fair coordinators. Hope to see you at one or both Career Fairs!
2011 Global Grants Program
Awards granted in this period will be available for the spring and summer terms of 2011. A total of $50,000 is available. There is no fixed amount for each grant, though the cost and number of students impacted will be a criteria for decisions.
Applications are due by January 31st. A copy of the necessary application form (which includes additional program details) will be attached to the upcoming CPD newsletter. Questions about the program can be directed to Janet Dickson.
Attorney General Info Session
Wednesday, January 12th, 12:00-12:50 p.m., C5.
CPD Seminar Day
The Schedule:
10:00: Interviewing Seminar
11:00: Networking Seminar
12:00: Resume/Cover Letter Seminar (lunch will be provided)
1:00: Public Interest Seminar
You can come for the entire day, or just for one or two seminars. Please RSVP for each workshop you plan to attend in Symplicity, under the "Events" section.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Summer Externships - U.S. Attorney for the District of Idaho
Twin Cities 1L Summer Rotation Clerkship
For more information and for application instructions, please visit the program website. The application deadline is January 14, 2011.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Marine Policy Fellowship Info Session
2012 Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship, 2011 Coastal Management Fellowship, 2011 Marc Hershman Marine Policy Fellowship, 2011 WSG Science Writing Fellowship,
2011 Sea Grant/NOAA Fisheries Fellowship
Please join Penny Dalton, Director of Washington Sea Grant; David Gordon, WSG Science writer; and Nancy Reichley, WSG Education Specialist, for an information session about our program and our marine policy and science fellowship opportunities. The Knauss Fellowship provides eligible graduate students a one-year work experience on the staff of the U.S. Congress or with a Federal agency dealing with marine issues. Similar in structure to the Knauss, the Hershman Fellowship offers graduate students a nine-month opportunity with Washington State Caucus agencies in Olympia. The two-year Coastal Management Fellowship matches postgraduate individuals with state coastal zone programs throughout the country. All three fellowships offer a first-hand look at how science is used in the policy arena and how decisions are made. The WSG Science Writing Fellowship enables undergraduate and graduate students to work with WSG Communications staff on developing materials that help individuals better understand and manage marine resources. The Sea Grant/NOAA Fisheries Fellowship offers two- and three-year research opportunities to Ph.D. candidates interested in population dynamics and stock assessment or marine resource economics.
Where and when: Wednesday, December 1, 2010, from 12:30-1:15 at Washington Sea Grant, 3716 Brooklyn Avenue, NE, Seattle.
Please contact Nancy Reichley with any questions about the fellowships or how to find our office.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Symplicity Postings
Janet D. Steiger Fellowship
The first and second year law students who have served as Steiger Fellows have characterized their experiences as truly rewarding, often well beyond their expectations. A number of students have said that for the first time they are considering law careers in public service, and several have already entered public service upon graduation.
For more information, see the posting on Symplicity. Applications are due by January 31st.
Trial Skills Workshop
Sponsored by SUTLA
Seattle University Trial Lawyers Association
Interested in civil litigation?
Want to gain much needed trial skills from some of the best
trial lawyers in the Northwest?
SUTLA is proud to offer students interested in plaintiff side civil
litigation an opportunity to learn trial skills through a monthly
workshop, sponsored by the Washington State Association for
Justice (WSAJ) and the Law Offices of Karl E. Malling, P.S.
We will be holding an information session on
Monday, November 22 at 4pm in
Room 109
The Trial Skills Workshop is limited to 15 students. The monthly
sessions will be held on the second Thursday of each month from
6pm to 9pm starting January 13th.
If you are interested please RSVP for the information session on our
TWEN Page: Seattle University Trial Lawyers Association – Sign-
Up Sheets - Trial Skills Workshop.
Questions? Email Joe Moore (
Institute for a Democratic Society Program
IDF is a 6 month fellowship from January through June, occurring over 11 intensive weekends. During these weekends the program focuses on a diverse range of political topics, the nuts and bolts of campaigns and elections, the geographic issues around the state, and developing leadership skills within our community. Fellows meet with elected officials, leading experts, business owners, lobbyists, nonprofit leaders, and people making a difference in their communities all over the state and in Washington D.C. We want our fellows to get engaged in the political process while introducing them to the people and issues that are affecting our state. Each year IDF graduates a "farm team" of progressive leaders who go out into the world and make a difference within campaigns, policy, non profits and their communities.
IDF offers training to exceptional women and men ages 21 to 36.The topics focus on three major areas:
* Public policy and emerging issues
* The legislative and political process
* Campaigns and elections
Fellows travel across Washington State and topics cover the breadth of policy issues including agriculture, homelessness, transportation, education, energy, and the environment. Our days in Washington, DC and Olympia have included meeting elected officials, lobbyists and dignitaries. Campaign training includes development of a campaign plan, effective messaging and communications, volunteer recruitment and managing a budget.
Applications for the Class of 2011 will be accepted starting on July 1, 2010 and must be postmarked or submitted online by November 19, 2010.
If you cannot apply by November 19th, a 'late registration grace period' will be extended through Monday, November 22; however, the application fee then increases to $40 per registrant.
For more information and for application instructions, please visit the IDS website.
DOJ Volunteer Positions
Read about EES and other DOJ volunteer programs at:
Read about the Northwest Public Interest Job Fair at:
Asian Pacific Islander Community Leadership Foundation Fellowship
For more information, please see the posting on Symplicity. Application review will begin on December 1st.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
2011 Hogan/Smoger Access to Justice Essay Contest
For 40 years, the competition was known as the Roscoe Hogan Environmental Law Essay Contest, providing law students an opportunity to investigate and offer solutions to the multitude of injustices inflicted on the environment. The contest was established in 1970 by the late Roscoe B. Hogan of Birmingham, Alabama, a prominent environmental lawyer. With additional support from noted attorney Gerson Smoger, the contest was renamed and expanded beginning with the 2011 competition.
The topic for the 2011 contest is "The Gulf Oil Spill: Who Are the Victims and How Do They Get Compensated?"
Any student currently enrolled in an accredited American law school may submit a legal essay for the competition.
The author of the winning essay will receive a $5,000 cash prize; recognition in the Public Justice newsletter and on the website; publication of the essay in the Vermont Law School’s online Journal of Environmental Law; and a free Public Justice Foundation membership for the Contest Year.
Any student currently enrolled in an accredited American law school may enroll in the contest. Each entry must be submitted through a faculty adviser. All entrants must submit an INTENT TO ENTER FORM by January 31, 2011. The deadline for the essay is March 31, 2011. A panel of nationally renowned trial lawyers and law professors will judge the entries.
For contest rules and criteria, please visit the contest website.
Monday, November 15, 2010
LCC Minority Outreach Program
Students with a demonstrated interest in labor law, as well as those students who may be interested in the field, are encouraged to participate in the program. Students should contact the firms or legal departments directly with inquiries or applications, and are advised to reference the "LCC Minority Outreach Program" in all correspondence.
For more information, and to see a complete list of firms participating in the clerkship program, please visit the MOP website.
NYU Offers Law and Social Enterprise Fellowship
See Symplicity for details. Application Deadline is December 3, 2010.
NYU Offers the Kauffman Legal Research Fellowship
Please see Symplicity posting for more information. The Application Deadline is February 1, 2011.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Study Law in Alaska
Students earn four course credits, gain significant legal experience, and spend the summer in beautiful Alaska. This innovative and very popular program provides internship and externship opportunities and the nation’s only substantive law course titled, “Alaska Natives and Environmental Law”.
For more detailed information, please see the Study Law in Alaska Program website at: See what students who have participated in the program have to say on the testimonials page of the website.
For more information, please contact the Study Law in Alaska Director: Stephanie M. Nichols at:
Lapham River Conservation Fellowship
This fellowship honors the memory of Anthony A. Lapham who served for many years on the board of American Rivers, including as its Chairman. The program reflects his integrity, intellect, concern for humanity and commitment to excellence; we seek candidates who possess these qualities.
Please see Symplicity posting for details and application instructions. The application deadline is January 3, 2011.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Equal Justice Works Public Defender Corps
Equal Justice Works and the Southern Public Defender Training Center have partnered to develop a solution to this growing crisis and improve the quality of representation for adults and juveniles nationwide. Public Defender Corps is a three-year fellowship program aimed at addressing the ongoing national crisis of providing quality representation to accused persons who cannot afford counsel.
We are currently accepting applications for this public defense pilot project. Approximately 20 fellowships will be selected, with terms commencing in the Fall of 2011. The application is open to all law students from Equal Justice Works member law schools and lawyers with less than three years of practice.
For for more information and for application instructions, please visit the Corps website. Application and supporting documents are due by 5 p.m. EST on Friday, December 17, 2010.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Lan and Mark Beyster Public Interest Fellowship
The Lan and Mark Beyster Public Interest Fellowship will provide $25,000 to one law graduate who will work for one year to provide legal services to and advocacy for the Vietnamese American community and/or other underserved, underresourced communities. The Vietnamese American Bar Association of Northern California (VABANC) will administer the Fellowship Program.
Details can be found on Symplicity. The application deadline is December 1st.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
University of Washington Antitrust Day
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
12:30 PM – 1:20 PM
Room 117, William H. Gates Hall
A panel of distinguished antitrust attorneys discussing antitrust issues and related practice challenges and career opportunities.
If you might be interested in any aspect of business law, attendance should be a no-brainer. Even if you have no such interest, this provides a great opportunity to hear some excellent lawyers discuss very interesting issues. Remember Brandeis’ warning:
Sponsored by the Antitrust Section of the Washington State Bar Association and the Antitrust Section of the American Bar Association.
RSVP: or
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Jobs on Symplicity
Evening with the Equal Justice Community
Sullivan Hall, Second Floor Gallery
What areas of law are you passionate about? Housing Justice? Immigration? Juvenile Justice? Come meet practicing attorneys who share your passion and be ready to be inspired by your conversations with them.
The Evening with the Equal Justice Community Event is a unique opportunity for students and equal justice attorneys to informally meet and discuss their practice area(s)/interest(s). To facilitate the discussion, students and attorneys will be seated together based on their common areas of practice/interest. Heavy appetizers, drinks and discussion questions will be provided.
Please RSVP to including your name and up to two practice areas of interest by November 4, 2010. Space is limited!
This event is organized by the Public Interest Law Foundation and co-sponsored by the Access to Justice Institute. If you have any questions about the Evening with the Equal Justice Community Event, feel free to contact Celeste Miller, ATJI Program Coordinator at
Disability Rights CLE
Lawyering in a Diverse World presents
Disability Rights:
Ethics and Practical Skills
Thursday, November 04, 2010
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Join us for an engaging CLE/training about interviewing people with disabilities, applying the Rules of Professional Conduct to practice when representing clients with disabilities, and issue-spotting special education in civil legal services cases.
Presenters include David Carlson, Stacie Siebrecht, and Heather Kimmie from Disability Rights Washington and Scott Crain from Northwest Justice Project.
To register or for more information go to:
Monday, November 1, 2010
1L Symplicity Access
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
National Resources Defense Council 2L Summer
Summer legal internships in SF, LA, CH, NY or DC with one of the nation's most prominent environmental advocacy firms.
See for details and application instructions.
Nov. 3 State Department Summer Intern Deadline
This program is attractive to lawyers and non-lawyers alike. Openings are available both domestically and abroad. Get your foot in the door at State, get international experience, build up your international professional credentials.
It takes some time to fill out the application and specify location preferences and make other selections, so please don't delay.
Monday, October 25, 2010
ABA Mendes Hershman Student Writing Contest
- First Place: $2,500
- Second Place: $1,000
- Third Place: $500
All winners will be invited and subsidized to attend the Section Spring Meeting 2011 in Boston, MA to receive their award.
Submission Process
Papers will be judged on research and analysis, choice of topic, writing style, originality, and contribution to the literature available on the topic. Papers submitted are normally 20-30 pages long, but should not exceed 100 pages of double-spaced typed text, including footnotes. Students need not be members of the Business Law Section to participate.
All entries must be submitted electronically by January 14, 2011. For more information click here.
ABA Business Law Diversity Clerkship Program
The objectives of the Program include:
• To encourage more diverse law students to apply for clerkship positions
• To foster relationships between business court judges and diverse law students
• To provide students with a foundation in various aspects of business law
Up to nine interns will be given a summer stipend of $6,000 and placed in business court clerkships in the Philadelphia Commerce Court or the Delaware Court of Chancery.
All application materials must be received on or before Friday, January 21, 2011.
For more information about the Business Law Diversity Clerkship Program click here.
Friday, October 22, 2010
IPLS Speed Networking Event
Wednesday, January 19th, 5:30 -7:30 p.m.
Space is limited. RSVP in Symplicity.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
SEC Honors Program for Summer: 1L & 2L
The Summer Honors Law Program gives law and JD/MBA students the opportunity to become acquainted with the regulation of the securities markets and careers within the Commission.
Students have the opportunity to work for ten weeks during the summer at the Commission's Washington, D.C., headquarters or in one of its 11 regional offices nationwide including: New York, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Fort Worth, Los Angeles, Miami, Philadelphia, Salt Lake City, and San Francisco.
Selection for employment is based on many elements of a candidate's background including academic achievement, law review or moot court experience, legal aid and clinical experience, and summer or part-time legal employment.
Please consult with Laura Murphy in CPD about your SEC resume. Your private sector resume almost certainly does not do what a federal resume needs to do to prove your qualifications.
For more information about the SEC Honors Program, see announcement number 10-387192-NW.
Application instructions may be found at
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Robert L. Carter Fellowship
Fellowship, for a 2-year term beginning no later than September of 2011. The Opportunity
Agenda is a communications, research, and advocacy organization dedicated to building the
national will to expand opportunity in America.
The Fellow will participate in legal research and legal advocacy; work with coalitions on framing
and messaging concerns; and collaborate with local and national public interest organizations
and policymakers on policy and communications efforts. The Fellow will focus on promoting
equal opportunity and protecting human rights in sectors such as economic opportunity and
immigration policy. Activities are likely to include research and writing of legal and policy
briefs; creating communications strategies and tools; and engaging in policy advocacy. This
work will be done in close collaboration with The Opportunity Agenda’s legal, research, and
communications staff, providing opportunities for social science research and media experience,
as well as legal work.
We encourage applications from attorneys with 5-10 years of legal experience in relevant fields
such as economic security and immigration who are interested in incorporating framing and
messaging strategies into their work. Law students graduating in 2011 and judicial law clerks
completing their clerkships in 2011 are also eligible. We are particularly interested in candidates
with a background in the social sciences, journalism, and/or communications. Candidates must
have a strong interest in working with advocates and communities in the field, and a
demonstrated commitment to social justice. The Opportunity Agenda is an equal opportunity
employer. We value a work place that is diverse in terms of gender, race, class, geographic
origin, sexual orientation, and other differences that enrich our society.
Please see the Symplicity posting for details and application instructions.
Application Deadline is January 31, 2011.
Upcoming Speed Networking Events
- WSAJ Speed Networking Event - October 28th
- Family Law Speed Networking Event - November 10th
- KCBA/YLD (Young Lawyers Division) Speed Networking Event - November 17th
- IPLS Speed Networking Event - January 19th
KCBA/YLD Speed Networking Event
YLD has a board of 16 volunteer trustees. The Board oversees YLD's member services and community programs.
Wednesday, November 17th, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Second Floor Gallery.
RSVP in Symplicity - Space is limited.
The Appalachian Public Interest Environmental Law (APIEL) Conference
University of Tennessee College of Law
Knoxville, Tennessee
November 19-21
Register Today!
Topics Include:
• The Basics of Mountaintop Removal and Strip Mining
• Utilizing the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act in the Appalachian region
• The Endangered Species Act and its potential for impact in the Southeastern U.S.
• Lawyering for Environmental Justice: The Broadform Deed
• NEPA and the Precautionary Principle
• Forest Protection and Ecological Restoration
• “Know your rights” as activists and as the attorneys who represent them
With the assistance of lawyers, grassroots activists, keynote speakers and presenters, the first APIEL conference hopes to both energize lawyers and create a common ground for community organizers and their legal support to communicate, educate each other and have fun.
For a complete list of workshops and panels visit
The attendance fee for the conference is $45 for Friday through Sunday, which includes pizza on Friday night. All other meals, transportation and lodging are the responsibility of the participant. Participants who are only attending part of the conference may pay by the day.
For More Information and to Register for APIEL
Visit the APIEL website at
Or visit our Facebook event page:
Email us:
Call: (865) 257-4029
Fax: (888) 201-1104
Monday, October 18, 2010
You Are Invited to a Talk with Judge Rosselle Pekelis: The Evolution of an American Attorney
Please join KCWWL for a cocktail hour discussion with former Washington State Supreme Court Justice Rosselle Pekelis on Thursday, October 28 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at the Blueacre Restaurant, 1700 7th Ave. S. (7th and Olive) in Seattle. $20.00 includes wine, appetizers, tax, and gratuity.
Judge Pekelis will share an account of her personal journey from Europe to the courtrooms of America, personal anecdotes, practical advice, and her observations about the experiences of women attorneys in today’s legal environment.
To RSVP or ask questions about the event, please contact Natalie Findley-Wolf or Meg McCann.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Federal Hiring Update
NB More than 77% of FY 2010's new hires were in Homeland Security, Defense, Veterans Affairs and Justice.
Resume/Cover Letter Seminar
These are not uncommon questions, and just a couple of the points that will be covered in this seminar. Learn how to properly craft your application materials to speak to your strengths.
- Wednesday, November 17th, 12:00-12:50 p.m., C5
- Tuesday, January 18th, 12:00-12:50 p.m., C5
Thursday, October 14, 2010
CPD 1L Orientation
These and many other questions will be answered during the 1L Orientation. Come and learn about everything that CPD offers and what you should be doing at this point in your professional development.
- Monday, October 25th, 3:00-4:00 p.m., Courtroom
- Wednesday, October 27th, 12:00-1:00 p.m., Room 110
- Friday, October 29th, 10/29 12:00-1:00 p.m., Room 109
- Tuesday, November 2nd, 5:00-6:00 p.m., C1
- Wednesday, November 3rd, 10:00-11:00 a.m., Room 109
- Friday, November 5th, 10:00-11:00 a.m., Room 109
Federal Resume Seminar
Wednesday, November 3rd, 12:00-12:50 p.m., C5.
RSVP in Symplicity.
Partnership for Public Service: Students & New Grads
The Partnership for Public Service is seeking current students or recent graduates to become Public Service Fellows.
• Are you a student or recent graduate of an undergraduate or graduate program?
• Are you passionate about public service?
• Are you looking for an opportunity to develop your skills and gain valuable experience?
• Are you looking for a paid position in the heart of Washington, D.C.?
Then we want to hear from you! We anticipate spring fellows beginning work in mid-January, but start dates are flexible based on teams. Full-time fellows with an undergraduate or graduate degree will receive a $1000 per month stipend. Full-time fellows who are currently undergraduate students will receive an $800 per month stipend.
The application deadline is October 29, 2010. To learn more and to apply, please visit If you have questions, please email or call (202) 775-9111.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
State Dept. Extends Application Period
Symplicity Postings
Study Law in Alaska
Students earn four course credits, gain significant legal experience, and spend the summer in beautiful Alaska. This innovative and very popular program provides internship and externship opportunities and the nation’s only substantive law course titled, “Alaska Natives and Environmental Law”.
• For more detailed information, please see the Study Law in Alaska Program website at: See what students who have participated in the program have to say on the testimonials page of the website. Please see below for an example of some of the places where interns and externs have worked in the past. We are currently in the process of adding more opportunities for this coming summer. Past employers for internships opportunities have included:
• Alaska Immigration Justice Project
• The Alaska Labor Relations Agency and the Alaska Workers' Compensation Appeals Commission
• Fortier & Mikko, P.C.
• The Native American Rights Fund
• The Municipality of Anchorage
• Judicial Clerkship with Judge Colleen Ray
• Judicial Clerkship with Judge Patrick McKay
• Judicial Clerkship with Judge Stephanie Joannides
• Judicial Clerkship with Judge Eric Aarseth
• Law Office of Robert D. Stone, LLC
For more information, please contact Stephanie Nichols at:
ABA John J. Curtin, Jr. Justice Fund Summer Internship
The Curtin Justice Fund Legal Internship Program is managed jointly by the ABA Commission on Homelessness and Poverty and the Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants. The Program will pay a $2,500 stipend to three law school students who spend the summer months working for a bar association or legal services program designed to prevent homelessness or assist homeless or indigent clients or their advocates. The Legal Internship Program will provide much-needed legal assistance to organizations serving the under-represented and give students direct experience in a public interest forum. Through this, it aims both to help homeless clients and to encourage careers in the law that further the goals of social justice.
Details can be found on Symplicity. Applications will be accepted through March 25, 2011.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Addressing Cover Letters
Mr. William Smith
Jones, Jones & Jones
123 A Street
Anytown, WA 90000
[indent] Re: Legal Internship, Summer 2011
Dear Mr. Smith: [that's a colon, not a comma]
If there is no name given, take the time to look up the name of the General Counsel or call and ask the receptionist for the name of the Hiring Partner at the firm.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
InfoSpace: Part-Time Now & Full-Time Summer
Check out their job posting on Symplicity, and apply ASAP.
Goldmark Internship Deadline
Program details and application instructions can be found at the above link and on Symplicity.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Presidential Management Fellowship
If you plan to apply, please schedule two CPD appointments: (1) Before Oct.15: with Laura Murphy to ensure your federal resume meets federal hiring standards; (2) Before Oct. 20: with Shawn Lipton, the SU Law nominating official (a personal interview is required if you are to be nominated by SU). Contact Emily Von Seele today to get on their calendars: For application information, see:
Announcing The John R. Justice Loan Repayment Program
The John R. Justice Loan Repayment Program promises to forgive a portion of the outstanding student debt incurred by lawyers who make a three-year commitment to work as prosecuting attorneys or public defenders.
For the program’s first year, the HECB is accepting applications from eligible attorneys through Nov. 30, 2010.
The John R. Justice program was passed by Congress in 2008 as a way to encourage more lawyers to pursue careers as public prosecutors and defenders. Because of educational debts, many attorneys forego such career options for more lucrative opportunities in the private sector.
The program is open to licensed attorneys working full-time as prosecutors in state or local agencies, and to public defenders in state, federal or non-profit offices. It also is open to attorneys who have accepted employment in any of those categories. Under the law, federal prosecutors are not eligible for the program.
For fiscal year 2010-11, qualified recipients will be eligible for an award of $8,905, assuming their outstanding student debts are not less than that. Awards will be granted subject to available funds, and the HECB has adopted rules for determining how loan reimbursements will be awarded under the program.
Application forms and additional information about the John R. Justice program is available on the HECB website.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Cascade Land Conservancy: Real Estate & Land Use Internship
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Symplicity Postings
Distribution Lists
- Business Law
- Civil Advocacy
- Commercial Law
- Corporate Law
- Criminal Law & Practice
- Elder Law
- Labor & Employment Law
- Estate Planning
- Family & Juvenile Law
- Health Law
- Immigration Law
- Intellectual Property
- International Law
- Environmental
- Natural Resource
- Land Use
- Law and Social Inequality
- Real Estate Law
- Taxation Law.
Tax Law Info Session
RSVP in Symplicity.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Richard S. White Fellowship
The Richard S. White Fellowship includes both a paid, 12 week summer associate position and a $7,500 academic scholarship to be remitted directly to the student's law school at the beginning of the school year following the summer clerkship to assist in paying the student's tuition.
Application Time line
- 2L Application Postmark: Between Sept 10 and Oct 10, 2010.
- 1L Application Postmark: Between Jan 1 and Feb 1, 2011.
- The summer position will be in our downtown Seattle office.
Presidential Management Fellowship Program
This rigorous two-year paid fellowship includes:
* Full-time salary and benefits,
* Formal classroom training of 160 hours,
* Mandatory four to six month developmental assignment,
* Optional rotations of one to six months in duration,
* Challenging work assignments,
* Potential for accelerated promotions, and
* Opportunities to network with other future leaders.
In addition to the fellowship, many federal agencies are looking at "succession planning" - as the federal work force gets closer to retirement, the various agencies need committed public servants from the next “generation” to be groomed as leaders. The PMF program provides for non-competitive hiring of graduating grad students (which includes law grads). Then, after the two year fellowship, PMF’s are non-competitively converted to permanent positions.
The application period runs from October 1st through October 15th. Details can be found on the PMF website.
Applicants must print out a pre-populated nomination form (available through the PMF Website) and schedule a meeting with Shawn Lipton in order to be nominated for the program. Appointments can be made by emailing Emily von Seele.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Duke Program on Global Policy and Governance
The Duke Program on Global Policy and Governance in Geneva, Switzerland is now accepting applications for its 2011 cohort.
Who: Past program participants include graduate and professional students from all disciplines, including law, medicine, public policy, international affairs, business, environmental studies, and other graduate or professional students interested in issues of global policy and governance.
What: The Program on Global Policy and Governance offers students unparalleled access to internships in Geneva-based institutions, the opportunity to learn directly from experts working to resolve some the world's biggest challenges, and a community of fellow students from around the world.
The program includes:
** A 10-12 week policy internship in Geneva
** Events throughout the summer providing opportunities to socialize and network with other policy interns and experts
** A choice of one of the following four intensive, weeklong courses:
1) Environment and Sustainable Development
2) Global Health Fellows: Health Policy in a Globalizing World
3) Global Economic Governance and Development
4) Humanitarian Assistance and Human Rights
When: A typical internship spans between May 15 and August 15, 2011. The course week will take place in late June or early July. There is flexibility on the start and ending dates for individual students.
Application for the Summer 2011 program are due November 29, 2010.
Additional details about the program and admission requirements can be found on our website:
For questions contact or 919.613.9214.
Filipino Lawyers of Washington Scholarship
Applications can be found on the FLOW website ( and must be submitted by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, September 28, 2010.
Law Students for Reproductive Justice Fellowship
To participate in the Reproductive Justice Fellowship Program, prospective fellows and placement organizations will apply for the opportunities and be chosen through rigorous review by a selection committee each year. Applications for the 2011-12 fellowship year are due by 5:00 pm PST on Monday, November 1, 2010.
Again this year, six (6) RJ Fellows will be selected and placed at six (6) host organizations with offices in Washington D.C., capitalizing on their proximity to legal, legislative, and policy-making bodies. The 2011-12 fellowship class will begin their yearlong positions in August 2011. In addition to their work at the host organizations, the RJ Fellows will participate in a year-long program that includes mentoring, professional development, training, and networking opportunities.
LSRJ will provide each RJ Fellow with an annual stipend of $50,000, and placement organizations will provide benefits.
Please see the Symplicity posting for more information.
New Distribution Lists
Family Law Speed Networking Event
Wednesday, November 10th, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Second Floor Gallery
RSVP in Symplicity - space is limited.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Local company hiring 2L's NOW for part-time work
Work-study qualification required; 15-19 hours per week. This employer loves to hire SU Law students. Let's keep them loyal!
This job can continue into the summer. It pays well and the lawyers are great mentors.
The Annual Washington State Association for Justice (WSAJ) Speed Networking Event
Thursday, October 28th from 5:30-7:30 in the Second Floor Gallery
RSVP in Symplicity.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Marine Corps Added to OCI
They will be interviewing on September 28th. You can sign up in Symplicity under "Session 4" for OCI.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
State Dept. Summer Internships: Application Period is Open
Job Postings on Symplicity
Student Debt Relief Webinars
Counseling Students and Graduates About Income-based Repayment and Public Service Loan Forgiveness
- Thursday, September 16th, 9:00-10:00 a.m., PST
Getting Your Student Loans Forgiven: How Government and Non-profit Employees Can Earn Public Service Loan Forgiveness
- Wednesday, September 29th, 9:00-10:00 a.m., PST
Please go to to register. Space is limited.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Presidential Management Fellowship Info Session
Wednesday, September 29th, 5:00-5:50 p.m., C1
RSVP in Symplicity.
LLM Info Session
Think a legal career in Washington, D.C. or somewhere outside Seattle might be for you? Considering becoming a law professor?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, an LLM might be a good option for you. Professor Maryam Ahranjani, former chair of the post-graduate legal education section of the Association of American Law Schools, will talk about the pros and cons of obtaining an LLM degree. She will also discuss the LLM in Law & Government at American University Washington College of Law. Pizza will be provided.
Tuesday, October 5th from Noon – 12:45 pm in C1.
RSVP in Symplicity.
Monday, September 13, 2010
What They Don't Teach You in Law School: How Law Firms Really Work
Tuesday, September 21st, 12:00-1:00, C6.
Please RSVP in Symplicity.
Army JAG Interviews
If you are interested, please email Emily von Seele to schedule a time.
City of Everett Added to OCI
You can apply to this employer under "Session 4" in Symplicity. All materials are due by noon on September 21st.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Indian Law and Education Law
Outstanding and well-paid opportunity to get experience in fields of Education Law and Indian Law.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
New OCI Employers
- The Navy JAG has been added to Session 3 for 2Ls and 3Ls.
- The IRS Office of Chief Counsel has added a Resume Collection to Session 3 for 2Ls and 3Ls.
- Ryan Swanson has added a 2L Resume Collection to Session 3.
- Expeditors International has been added to Session 3 for 2Ls.
- Forsberg & Umlauf has been added to Session 3 for 2Ls.
- The Marten Law Group has been added to Session 3 for 2Ls.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
2010 Equal Justice Works Conference and Career Fair
- Monday, August 30 - EJW registration opens. This is the first opportunity to see which employers will be participating in this year's Fair. Please do not register for the Fair until you have heard that you are receiving the CPD/AtJI reimbursement.
- Tuesday, September 7 - Applications for SU stipend due to Stacey Lara-Kerr ( by NOON. Please submit a one page statement of interest detailing your interest in attending the Fair.
- Wednesday, September 8 - Applicants for the stipend will be notified whether they have received the stipend by this date.
- Friday, September 24 - All applications to interview for positions at the Fair due to EJW. Additional information about the application process and important dates is available.
Young Lawyers Turning to Public Service
Intern and Attorney Positions with the Department of Justice
Established by the Civil Rights Act of 1957, the Civil Rights Division has grown in size and scope over the decades. The landmark civil rights laws of the 1960s greatly expanded civil rights protections, as well as the jurisdiction of the Division. Our statutes aim to protect the civil rights not only of racial and ethnic minorities, but also of religious minorities; women; immigrants; persons with disabilities; servicemembers; individuals housed in public institutions; gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals; and individuals who come from other nations and speak other languages.
Over the decades, the Division has been instrumental in many of our nation’s battles to advance civil rights, from the desegregation of our nation’s schools to the prosecution of hate crimes, from ensuring girls and women have equal opportunities in schools and the workplace to guaranteeing that individuals with disabilities can access civic services to which we all have a right. Today, the Division continues to combat traditional civil rights violations, while also addressing new, emerging challenges to equal justice and equal rights.
For more information, please see the postings on Symplicity.
Monday, August 23, 2010
New OCI Firms
Forsberg & Umlauf has been added to Session 3 for 2Ls.
The Marten Law Group has been added to Session 3 for 2Ls.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Session 1 OCI Deadline
As we are still waiting for grades to be posted, please try to upload any documents that are not dependent on this information (writing sample, cover letter, references, if applicable) over the weekend. This will help to decrease system traffic on Monday and Tuesday.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Latham & Watkins Diversity Scholarship Program
• Ability and commitment to contribute to the diversity objectives of global law firms;
• Life experiences that have shaped values and that provide a unique perspective, including
any obstacles or challenges faced in choosing or pursuing law as a profession;
• Academic and/or leadership achievements; and
• Desire to practice in a global law firm environment.
Students will be asked to submit an application form, personal statement, resume and official or unofficial law school transcript by September 30, 2010. This scholarship is not contingent upon receiving or accepting an offer of employment at Latham. Rather, it is open to all law students in the hope that greater diversity among the attorneys at large law firms will benefit the entire profession. Recipients will be announced in the Spring of 2011.
The Latham Diversity Scholars Program, among other outreach efforts by Latham’s Diversity Hiring Sub-Committee, enhances Latham’s efforts to recruit and hire diverse summer clerks and attorneys.
Application forms can also be found on our Web site at under the Diversity Scholars Program heading.
Hanna S. Cohn Equal Justice Fellowship
The goal of the Fellowship is to increase legal advocacy for Greater Rochester's poor people in high priority areas that are currently under served. In addition, the Fellowship is designed to attract dynamic and talented, new lawyers to the practice of poverty law.
For more information and application instructions, please see the posting on Symplicity.
Public Interest Seminar
- Friday, September 17th, 9:00-10:30 a.m., Room 109
Networking Seminar
- Tuesday, August 31st, 4:00-5:30 p.m., Room C5
- Tuesday, September 7th, 12:00-1:30 p.m., Room C1
- Friday, September 24th, 12:00-1:30 p.m., Room 109