Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Seattle University School of Law 2011 Social Justice Post-Graduate Fellowships

2011-2013 Justice in Action Fellowship
This two-year fellowship will provide $55,000 per year to a social justice legal host organization in Washington to cover salary, benefits and other costs associated with funding a full-time fellow.

2011-2012 Leadership for Justice Fellowship
This one-year fellowship will provide $55,000 for the year to a social justice legal host organization outside of Washington State - whether in the U.S. or internationally - to cover salary, benefits and other costs associated with funding a full-time fellow.

About the Fellowships:
Each fellowship will support the legal work of a law graduate (who will graduate in December 2010 or May 2011) at a host organization on an approved social justice project. Projects must be designed in collaboration with a host organization to offer effective advocacy with underserved or marginalized individuals or groups, or to address social justice issues that are not adequately addressed by some existing aspect of the legal system. The project should provide the fellow with the opportunity to exercise leadership and introduce new legal services or significantly expand upon services already provided by the organization. Finally, the project should be designed to include the potential for increased opportunities for Seattle University law students to engage in meaningful social justice work. The Fellow will work with the Access to Justice Institute to develop, offer and oversee student opportunities

The deadline for submitting a proposal for either the Leadership for Justice Fellowship (1-year outside of WA; national; international) or the Justice in Action Fellowship (2-year in WA) is Thursday, March 3, 2011.

For information about the fellowship procedures and policies, applications and related materials, you can go to the ATJI website or sign up for the TWEN site, “Access to Justice Institute Post-Graduate Social Justice Fellowships.” Also, check out the upcoming Social Justice Monday (January 31, 2011) to learn more about these fellowships and to hear from the 2010-2011 Leadership for Justice Fellow!

If you have any questions, please direct them to Monika Batra Kashyap, ATJI Associate Director, at