Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Employer Registration for On-Campus Interviewing

The Center for Professional Development invites you to register for Seattle University School of Law’s 2022 Winter or Spring On-Campus Interviewing (OCI) Program. OCI is a great way to hire 1Ls and 2Ls for summer or school year internships and law clerk positions, and 3Ls for post-grad associate positions.

Winter OCI interviews will take place January 18-21 (virtual and in-person options are available); employer registration will remain open until December 15. 

Spring OCI interviews will take place March 7-10 (virtual and in-person options are available); employer registration will remain open until February 11.

OCI is managed through our Symplicity system. To register for an OCI, first log in to Symplicity.  If you have never done so, you must first create an account. Go to Symplicity to sign up. Please complete the form (fields marked with an asterisk are required) and be sure to select “OCI” in the “Services Requested” section. Please read and accept our policy affirmation in Symplicity. Click on the box below it before you click on the "Submit" button. A username and password will be sent to you via email so that you may continue to access the system.

Once you log in to Symplicity, click on the “OCI” tab on the left side of the page. Then, click on the “Schedule Request” tab, followed by the “Request A Schedule” button. Please complete the "Schedule Request Form" for the appropriate session and click “Submit.”

Requests will be reviewed in the order in which they are received, and you will be contacted accordingly.

If you would prefer for the Center for Professional Development to collect resumes for your firm or organization rather than interviewing on campus, please complete the "Schedule Request Form" (per the instructions above) and select “Resume Collection” rather than “Interview.”

We are excited to have you join us! Feel free to contact Matt Etter, Director of Professional Development & Alumni Relations, if you have any questions.