Thursday, March 24, 2022

Advice for Early Career Job Seekers: Stretch Yourself

In a world where your limits are being stretched every day, it may seem like it’s asking too much to encourage you to stretch even further, but the grit and flexibility helping you succeed in other areas of your life will also help you find a job.

Pushing the bounds of your comfort zone can be great for your career. If there’s an aspect of job seeking that you’ve been avoiding, talk to someone in CPD about how to push past it. We may be able to share strategies that will make the difference for you.

Other ways to stretch yourself include considering locations and practice areas you haven’t considered before. This doesn’t mean abandoning your dream of pursuing a maritime practice in downtown Seattle, but if you’re finding difficulty breaking into that, consider practice areas that offer similar experiences. Your job search in the early phase of your legal career is often about looking for the job before the job. So consider positions that would be a great jumping off point. If a position looks like it’d be a good way to grow over the next couple of years, apply.

Your professional path is likely to take twists and turns; that’s great – you’ll be a better lawyer for it.