Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Job Talk Tuesday: Check Your Ego

"Always be willing to check your ego and say, 'maybe my approach isn’t the best way, please tell me how to do something.' It’s incredible what you’ll learn."

Eric Wolf, SU Law Class of 2012

Eric Wolf, Deputy Director of Washington’s Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board, believes in the value of mentorship and the humility it takes to make the most of a mentor's advice.

It's not always easy for lawyers to ask for help, but in his years working in the state's capital, Eric has found that "mentors in the legal profession are very eager to cultivate a generation that follows them" and "have a vested interest in ensuring you are successful too." So don't be afraid to reach out to your network! And when you do, be real. Eric recommends being "vulnerable with them about your own misgivings or questions about entering the profession." Mentors have a wealth of guidance to share, but only if you're open to receiving it.

Sure, in a pandemic, we're not going anywhere, but we can still check baggage like fear, overconfidence, or inflexibility and open up a world of professional possibilities.