Thursday, October 6, 2011

Public Interest Grants

The Berkeley Law Foundation (BLF) is now soliciting proposals for one-year public interest legal projects to begin in 2012. To be considered, proposals must be received electronically by 11:59
p.m. on Friday, January 13, 2012.

BLF traditionally awards one to two grants per year to individuals undertaking public interest law projects that will serve legally disadvantaged or politically under-represented groups and promote systemic change. We view our grants as seed money for innovative projects that will immediately provide sorely needed legal services and will continue providing such services for years to come.

What BLF Will Fund
BLF seeks to fund projects that include the following components: legal advocacy, community education, and/or policy change in areas affecting groups of people who generally lack access to the legal system.

Please visit for more information and for application instructions.

Application deadline is January 13, 2012.