You're cordially invited to the
Public Interest Law Foundation's
24th Annual Auction & Event
Saturday, March 4, 2017
6:00 p.m.
Marriott Waterfront
2100 Alaskan Way, Seattle, Washington
Swing for
the Fences! will raise money that directly
supports the PILF Summer Grant Program, which provides funding to
Seattle University School of Law students who provide quality legal
services to low-income and marginalized communities through unpaid
summer jobs at nonprofit or public agencies.
Purchase Your Tickets
General Admission: $110 (Early
bird pricing $95 before Feb. 6)
Public Interest Lawyers Admission: $75
Student Admission: $40
sponsorships for groups of 10 available.
Swing for the Fences! is unlike any prior
PILF Auction. The event has evolved to feature many wonderful items -
including a 12-day Holland America cruise! Take a peek at a sampling of the auction items available
this year, and buy your tickets now while the early
bird price lasts!